Dynamic Page not displaying itens correct

I’m applying CMS for the first time and a website, I went through the whole process of creating the collection with 3 items, including the dynamic list and item pages. 3 dynamic item pages were generated, but they don’t appear in the preview. It seems like it’s not pulling from the collection.

Wix Studio

What are you trying to achieve:
I want the dynamic item page preview display all pages that is supposed to generated according to the collection items.

What have you already tried:
I have checked the URL and the dataset, it all seems to be fine. But there is something that is blocking the items to appears in the preview and consequently when I publish, it does not work as well. Only the first item displays on the dynamic page.

Thank you

How are you displaying those items? Are you looking at a page with a repeater listing them or at their dynamic page?

When using preview mode in a dynamic item page, you can select the item you view using the dropdown at the top of the screen

Click on the dataset settings and make sure to check how many items you are displaying. By default, 12 items are shown, but it’s still a good idea to verify this. Also, check the database permissions.

Thank you for your help. I will try to show how it appears to me:

I have 3 pages generated, but only the first on appears

When I change the preview it keeps showing only the first one. Where it should the title, subtitle and the image.

Yeah, I can see you have added the single item dynamic page, if you want to show all the items at one page then you have to go to databse click at the database three dots> dynamic page>list page. When you have added the list page you will see all the items will be listed at one page. you can change the layout, design, styles as you want

Hi Najmazahid, thank you for your thought. I have the list page and also the item page. In the list page all tree itens appears from collection. However, in the item page, it only display the first item. Does not load the other 2 pages. Event when I publish, it does not work.


If you go to menu you you see tree pages:

Educacao Infantil
Ensino Fundamental 1
Ensino Fundamental 2

These are the dynamic pages if should display…

Ensure the dataset is set to Read Only and the filter is not restricting data.

In the item page we can show only one item, you have to display all the items in the list page. when user click any of them they will be redirected to it’s specific item page

I was thinking what could be the issue. My thoughts are these:

  • You’re saying “3 dynamic pages were generated”. You should only have 1 dynamic (Item) page. The content will then change with every single item. So even if you had 15 items in the collection, there will only be 1 page changing its content dynamically.

  • Didn’t you allow Sandbox when creating the collection? That might be why the items don’t show because they’re not actually live/published.

  • Have you connected the page elements to the dataset? Click on each element on your dynamic (Item) page (that you want to change for each page) and check whether it’s connected to the dataset displaying items from the correct collection. Make sure the dataset is connected to the right collection and Read only. It should be set to display 1 item by default.

  • Have you enabled items visibility inside the collection? It’s hat checkbox/boolean at the very beginning.

  • I see that the “previous” and “next” buttons at the bottom of the pages work. If you set them dynamically (connected to the dataset and linked to prev/next item) then the most likely issue I can think about is that the elements on your page (like the images, texts and titles) have not been connected to the dataset.

Does any of these help? Let us know. I’d like to see what the issue was. Hope you’ll find the solution! :four_leaf_clover:

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