Dynamic pop up windows

Would be great generate dynamic pop up windows, so the visitors do not have go to another page to see items details. Instead, they could check them in a window that opens on the same page, similar to how it happens with photo galleries.


I would really like this too. A dynamic lightbox would be fantastic


Great suggestion about generating dynamic pop-up windows for a more seamless user experience! It’s hard to believe this thread is four years old, but the concept you’ve mentioned is more relevant than ever.

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You can do this with Lightboxes via code on Editor X however it won’t work with Wix Studio as the CMS functionality is broken on Lightboxes, or at least they haven’t informed me they’ve fixed it since raising the issue MONTHS ago and it was still broken last time I checked, but it was mentioned that they were thinking of making everything sort of dynamic compatible so you wouldn’t even have to use code anymore, so perhaps that’s why it’s taking so long to incorporate… an update sure would be nice!