Hey! I almost have the code for this, but I´m stuck in one little (I think) thing.
I’m using a dinamic page with :
- Product dataset -ID dynamicDataset
-A product widget
-A custom button for the add to cart function - ID cartButton
-A dropdown - ID sizeSelector - My products have a “Size” product option, with the choices stated as S, M and L. Each dropdown option has the value matched to this Size options-
This is the code:
import { cart } from 'wix-stores'
$w.onReady(() => {
$w("#dynamicDataset").onReady(() => {
//gets current item
let itemObj = $w("#dynamicDataset").getCurrentItem();
//gets Id of current item
let productId = itemObj._id;
$w("#cartButton").onClick(() => {
// selects size option
let Size = $w('#sizeSelector').value;
const products = [
"quantity": 1,
"options": {
"choices": {
"Size": "L"
//add to cart function
.then((updatedCart) => {
// Products added to cart
const cartId = updatedCart._id;
const cartLineItems = updatedCart.lineItems;
.catch((error) => {
The thing is, the dropdown is supposed to let you select the size thanks to this piece of code
$w("#cartButton").onClick(() => {
// selects size option
let Size = $w('#sizeSelector').value;
but, as after that I need to add this
const products = [
"quantity": 1,
"options": {
"choices": {
"Size": "L"
The “size”:“L” part “overrides” the dropdown. How could I change that “size” line or what should I do for it to get the value that was selected from the dropdown? Otherwise the code just adds the specific size option stated in the code (L in this case), and what I need is for the client to choose, of course.
Also, how would it be the code to show the dropdown only if the product has size options? and to hide it otherwise.
And, would selection tags work the same as the dropdown? should I have to change anything for it to work or just add the selection tags with the corresponding ID and values?
Please consider I´m a newby at code