I know this has been discussed a few times already and I tried to follow everything I found, but it still doesn’t work. Sorry, I’m going to explain my problem in detail now, so that anyone who wants to help hopefully has all the information they need
I am part of an orchestra and we want to create a members list on our website. I thought it would be cool if every member (they need to register and we have to accept them to the page) can fill out a form on the website and the data are saved in a dataset and information from this is displayed on a page for the members list. This worked: I created a regular page for the dataset (custom dataset permissions, only members can write, read, delete and edit) and created a form on it, you can fill it out and all data are saved and displayed as they should be, no problem.
Now I want the possibility for the members to change their info if they need to, for example when they marry or move. For this I followed this post:
I don’t want the log in page, I just want a button on our members list page which leads me to a dynamic page with the profile of the member that is clicking the button.
From the post I referred to I understood that this, in theory, should work with a dynamic page created for the dataset and a URL for the dynamic page based on the [ID]. So https://…/profile/ID.
I created this dynamic page and put in all my elements, so that name, email, address and everything is displayed on the profile page according to the ID. In preview-mode this worked just fine; I had my data already typed in the form and saved in the dataset and then everything was displayed as I wanted on the dynamic profile page.
I also created an “update” page, also a dynamic page with a URL based on the [ID] (https://…/profile/update/ID), with user input elements where everyone should see their former information and can edit and submit it. This also worked just fine in preview-mode.
The thing is, I somehow can’t seem to connect the “to profile” button to my dynamic profile page. I always tried to connect the button to the “Members [ID] (Data)” page in my page-list, but it always reset after saving and led me to the “welcome” page. (Same with the “udpate” button to the dynamic update page on the profile page.) I have tried to do this multiple times, but it never worked, so of course, in preview-mode, when I thought I finally got the connection of the buttons saved, when I filled in my data in the form and then wanted to click through to my profile, I got the message “the page https://…/profile/d6nf13jfvh2c can’t be found. Users will see an error page”. The ID at the end of the URL in this message (just an example here) also didn’t match the one that was put in the dataset behind my entry and the ID also always changed everytime I filled out the form again.
So “ID” in the URL isn’t a unique, never-changing ID of a member?
Just so you know, I didn’t use any code yet to fix it as I am completely new to code and can’t grasp if a code posted somewhere fulfills my needs or not.
I also tried to update the dataset to “live”, I tried to change the permissions of the dynamic pages and the dataset, as others suggested it, but it didn’t work. According to the post I reffered to it should work though, shouldn’t it?
Can somebody help me with this?
Either I created the pages wrong (does the form to fill in your members data need to be a dynamic page as well, maybe, for this to work?)
or there is an issue with the ID not being replaced according to the logged-in member in the URL leading to the dynamic page and also the ID not being unique and tied to the logged-in member.
Thank you in advance!
Yours sincerely,