Editor Tools interface suggestion

I think it would improve the user experience if the Tools menu was made available on the far left under the other editor tool icons.
Libraries, Media Manager, Multilingual, Site checker are very relevant to the editor and frequently used. Including the Editor Add-ons these should be easily accessible and visible through the side menu. All that dead space can be used with their respective icons instead of making it all hidden and tucked under the Wix Studio logo as a drop down.
When I think about it, Why is there such thing like “Editor Add-ons” anyway? They are simply additional tools that should be seen on the tool bar at all times. :thinking:


@SCW Ooh great suggestion! I’ve made note of this. I have even seen some confusion from people on where to find these tools, since they don’t know to click on the Wix Studio icon in the first place. Do you remember in the beginning if you had difficulty finding the items in the Wix Studio icon dropdown?

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I remember finding out the tabs as an accident. It was not very intuitive. I think I was looking everywhere to see where the old menu options went.
The Editor Add-ons tab was brought to my attention by my success manager. Otherwise I’d probably not have noticed or used it. Such a useful tool is hidden deep down in the drop down menus. It really is not fair for this great new feature.
Again, the editor and all the settings related to the editor should be made convenient and visible. Thank you.

For me, you should reconsider the interface to make it more modern and intuitive for both Wix Studio and Wix, like the image below!

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@charly-Felix Thanks for the example!

@SCW Just wanted to update you that there’s a UI improvement for the Wix Studio logo menu. You’ll see an added arrow next to the logo and upon hover it changes to a hamburger menu. The change is in the works, so if you don’t see it yet, keep an eye out!



I know it’s not the exact suggestion you had mentioned, but I wanted to thank you for providing your thoughts and feedback on things like this. Your input really does help! :smile:

You’re awesome! Thanks for keeping me posted.

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