Ok, well first of all, i like your code style/structure, continue like that.
- Did you try the old method? (i know → depricated, but still should work)… → using suppressAuth ?
import wixData from 'wix-data';
// ...
let options = {
"suppressAuth": true
.then( (results) => {
if(results.items.length > 0) {
let items = results.items;
let firstItem = items[0];
} else {
// handle case where no matching items found
} )
.catch( (error) => {
let errorMsg = error.message;
let code = error.code;
} );
About Members-APP, it’s collection and Members/FullData…
Let first collect some facts…
1) Members/FullData is a collection/database created especially for the Wix-Members-APP.
2) You manage your Members in the [Site Members] section of your dashboard.
3) Like most of those by Wix created collections, you have a limited query → (100).
4) The data is → READ <— ONLY.
5) And the FullData collection permissions can’t be changed.
6) To be able to get the data in authorized-mode → (elevation/suppressAuth), you have two options, out of my knowledge.
The first one → (suppressAuth) i already mentioned above.
The second and new one is the elevate function (which i have never used before if i am honest).
7) Such two methods allows a site visitor to call a function without the required permissions (normaly used by admin only). Meaning as soon as you use the elevate function → you turn an ordinary user somekind into an ADMIN, giving the right to read specific user-data.
8) You also have checked this…
Ok, till here i think everyting should be clear.
By the way, i see there are also 2 different import methods for the elevate function like it seems…
import * as wixAuth from 'wix-auth';
const elevatedCreateMember = wixAuth.elevate(members.createMember);
import { elevate } from 'wix-auth';
const elevatedQuery = elevate(wixData.query);
Back to Members/FullData… and your comment…
the “Members/FullData” App-Database is Read: Admin (btw. in the Docs it says it’s Read: All, but thats not true).
----> could you give me the docs you were reffering to ?
Is this you were reffering to …?
Yes, this is strange. A FullData, which is accessible for all, there must be something wrong, else the ELEVATIONT wouldn’t make any sense, wouldn’t it?
→ READ-ALL --------> is probably for → Members/PublicData
→ READ-ADMIN —> is for ----------------> Members/FullData
Public-Data is a non-sensitive-data, which do not include sensitive user-data.
The Full-Data includes all user-informations.
This would make sense.
1) Public-Data → read-all (anyone)
2) Full-Data ------> read with permissions (admin).
And here we go for more clarification… (this one seems to be ok)…
So there is for sure a mistake in the VELO-API-DOC about FullData-Permissions.
First try to read through all these informations, maybe it will already help you somehow to get your result. If not → then i will have to rebuild your use-case to go more into detail and inspect everything in CONSOLE.
By the way → console-logs are always very interessting for more detailed description.
…to be continued…
Seems like you are not the only one, who has problems with elevate-function…
Similar issue ?
And last thing where i looked at is…
Your code…
const elevatedQuery = elevate(wixData.query);
const memberResult = await elevatedQuery("Members/FullData")
.eq("loginEmail", memberEmail)
console.log("QueryResult:", memberResult.items);
What about…?
const elevatedQuery = elevate( wixData.query("Members/FullData") );
const memberResult = await elevatedQuery().eq("loginEmail", memberEmail).find();
console.log("QueryResult:", memberResult.items);
So i am also not 100% sure, since i did not really used it before → you will have to test it.
For reference… take a look here…