wixAuth elevate


I’m having problems using the “wix-media.v2” library. Any use of the “wixAuth.elevate” function returns null to me as a response.
backend files:

const myElevatedUpdateFile = wixAuth.elevate(files.updateFileDescriptor);

myElevatedUpdateFile is NULL ??? Why!!!

Until May/2024 this worked very well, but no longer. What has changed? Did I miss something?
Please help me.
Thank you.

[Wix Editor]

If you’re still experiencing this issue then the best place to report this is customer care: Contact Wix

Hi Anthony, In recent days I contacted Wix support, to whom I sent via email both a link to a video that explains my problem and part of the code that “strangely” stopped doing what it was doing correctly before. I await your response, hoping that your very kind colleague “Ester” still remembers my problem. Thank you for your answer.

Hi Anthony, I need some help understanding and solving this problem.

const elevatedUpdateFileDescriptor = elevate(files.updateFileDescriptor);
const updatedDescriptor = await elevatedUpdateFileDescriptor("5317ff_ae2c6739800d4097a0f1829febe7e43a~mv2.jpg", 

Trace: MoveFileToDestinationFolder Error: message: ‘INVALID_ARGUMENT: “options.fieldMask” must be an array’
- field: options.fieldMask
description: must be an array
at buildError (/dynamic-modules/edm_root/2f603477-b7fb-42d2-b5db-1388b1c71a9e/node_modules/@wix/motion-edm-autogen-transformations/src/lib/transformations/transformError/index.ts:44:17)

Which parameter is wrong?

I read the documentation, and it seemed to me that everything was very clear, where am I going wrong?

Please help me