emailContact() returning 500 error

Hello, I’m trying to email the user when he submits a form.

When I send the email (I already have a template) I recieve a 500 error:

unknown failure (500)

This is my code

 "emails": [$w("#input17").value]
            }).then((contactId) => {
                wixCrm.emailContact('reunion', contactId, {
                variables: {
                    name: $w("#input14").value,
                    meetTitle: $w("#text25").text,
                    date: $w("#text26").text,
                    link: $w("#text27").text
                }}).catch((err) => {
            }).catch((error) => {

I would have told you to check your code, variables, email id but the emailContact() function has been acting very unreliably this whole week. If you are concerned about performance use a 3rd party API to send emails. See this example on how to send emails with SendGrid.

Same problem here.

Any thoughts?