Hi every one… can anyone help me solve this? I created a function that makes a query from a database, and then populates the result to a repeater. This error always appear in the debug though details is still successfully populated in the repeater… I’ve been stuck here for weeks. I’m thinking of leaving it there and just go one with next code but I’m worried that this may affect my site performance. Below is my code:
. eq ( “_owner” , wixUsers . currentUser . id )
. contains ( " field title " , “value” )
. descending ( “to” )
. find ()
. then (( results ) => {
if ( results . length > 0 ) {
$w ( "#button1" ). show ();
$w ( "#repeater2" ). data = results . items ;
$w ( '#repeater2' ). onItemReady (( $item , itemData )=>{
$item ( "#input1" ). value = itemData . cn ;
$item ( "#input2" ). value = itemData . **from** ;
$item ( "#input3" ). value = itemData . to ;
**if** ( itemData . degreeObtained === "" ) {
$item ( "#ebdegreeObtained" ). collapse ();
} **else** {
$item ( "#ebdegreeObtained" ). value = itemData . degreeObtained ;
$item ( "#ebdegreeObtained" ). expand ();
$item ( "#ebawardsandRecognition" ). value = itemData . awardsAndRecognition ;
Thanks in advance