everything works in preview mode but not in published site

Here my site : https://jackwcerc.wixsite.com/mschk y
and my code

let fadeOptions = {
“duration”: 250,
“delay”: 0

export function header1_viewportLeave(event, $w) {
$w(‘#whiteHeader’).show(“fade”, fadeOptions);
$w(‘#bluelineHeader’).show(“fade”, fadeOptions);
//Add your code for this event here:

export function header1_viewportEnter_1(event, $w) {
$w(‘#whiteHeader’).hide(“fade”, fadeOptions);
$w(‘#bluelineHeader’).hide(“fade”, fadeOptions);
//Add your code for this event here:

I am using Chrome doesn’t work in published site, but using IE it is work


Anyone help? Is it chrome problem or WIX ?

I’m having the same issues, my clients websites all worked until I noticed it this morning. I checked across multiple browsers and it seems it may be a wix issue.

I’m having the same issue! I have a table that generates user data perfectly fine in preview mode, but only shows as an infinite “Loading…” on the live site. I spoke to Wix support on the phone and they escalated the issue to two different people with no ultimate resolution. They said they’d have their developer team look into it and update me via email but that was yesterday morning and I haven’t gotten any updates yet.

Looks like im not the only one. I have a collapsing menu feature that works just fine on preview mode but isnt working on the live site.

I am having the same issue my many codes stop working automatically from last few day I had raised the complain on the forum but wix code team is not replying and I called the wix support about this but they say they don’t now about this.
In my case my some elements disappear after the site loads and also there is code which loads the content on scroll and now they are not working If I remove the code and put it again then the other codes are also stop working.
On some pages if i add new codes the are not working and aslo if there is any code on that page that is also stops working. I don’t know what exactly happening I think there is some bug because all the codes are working fine from last one year.
My some codes works in mobile site but not in the desktop and everything works fine in the preview mode.
My site is Orooms.in

I’m almost 100% certain this is because of WixTurbo. The only thing that can be done for now is either be patient or use redirects/routers if something is completely broken. Wix Support knows pretty much nothing about code.

Same issue at my end – published site code stopped working earlier today. Wix Support was unable to help. Interesting thing is that code still works in editor preview mode but live site does not work.

More details at this link (and posting here hoping Wix moderators will come across at least one of the threads)


I, too, am having issues where things display correctly in preview but not live. Specifically, my live site is showing outdated information that’s not even in the database anymore, but it is correct in preview. Additional details here: https://www.wix.com/code/home/forum/main/comment/5c9cd05d0fa66a0292ee2ecb. Sigh.

any update for the solution?

I am having the same issue as well!! Erghh!
