Example: Fullscreen with HtmlComponent

#Example #HtmlComponent #FullScreen #allowFullScreen #requestFullscreen


The requestFullscreen method of the HTML fullscreen API is used to change the specified element to full screen. This method is still prefixed in some browsers, although the evolving standard will eventually eliminate the prefix.

The code embedded in the HtmlComponent demonstrates how to anticipate and adapt to different browsers, however you might need additional code depending on your requirements.

HTML support for mobile browsers is right now limited to Android devices. To exit full screen on a mobile device: Swipe either from the bottom or the side to bring up the onscreen buttons that are hidden when entering full-screen mode.

Note: Due to differences in the way that an HtmlComponent is handled in the Editor (Preview) and a Live site (Published), full-screen might not work in Preview.


This is very good, now it is possible to add full screen jobs that were not possible before, thank you.
The only thing missing now is to be able to add a code that is in the database to be more useful, since if placed in dynamic pages the content does not change according to the iten currently.

It works on posts too? For html videos to finally make them work on fullscreen mode

Please help me with this code

what should i add and where should i? Any help will be very appreciable.

@hellogiveme5 Adding code to an HTML component is not a part of the Corvid product (which is what this forum is about). The basics of an HTML component are to put any HTML code in it. That code can be copied from any source that you want, but you need to know the exact code to put there (which is not related to Corvid)… You will need to check with the service provider to find out how to get it work.