Example: Repeater Dropdown with Keyboard Navigation

This example demonstrates how to implement an autosuggest dropdown by using a Repeater with keyboard navigation. Use up/down arrows to make your selection, and the Enter key to accept the selected entry. The selection can also be made using the mouse/trackpad as usual.

This project was inspired by a recent forum discussion, Highlight an item Repeater - autocomplete menu , between two amazing users: Mauro Vento Avyno and David - skeptisch.net .

Go to the Repeater Dropdown example page.
See more examples at Gramp’s Workbench .


Wonderful trick @yisrael-wix you r the best :clap::clap::muscle::hugs:

is there example about
Changing the Direction of Menu Tabs Based on the Current Language ?

Hi, I’ve managed to replicate the example correctly including the data query.

However, the country name issued by the query still shows “country name” instead of the real country name. But when I click on “country name” real the country appears correctly.

The code seems to be good as the console do not show any error message. I believe it is about the dataset connection with the repeater but I’ve searched unsuccessfully.

Moreover, once the country is selected, how to add a specific action such as content or link to a specific page?

Any advice? Thanks

Thanks to the wix support team, I’ve managed to clear this issue. Please make sure your dataset permission is open to everyone and not only restricted to the admin :slight_smile:

For the users, I am pleased to share my codes

My issue is now to set up an action (link to another page) once the country is selected.
Any recommendation??