And everything is working fine in the web browser, EXCEPT that all the formatting I have performed in the the Wix editor to the text in the boxes I use (headings, bold text, text links etc.) is compleately lost when I wiew the pages in the web browser. It seems that all text in the exepandable text boxes have been formatted into pure text (please see the attached screenshot).
I am wondering that if you use the dynamic text option instead of the static text option and use text from a dataset, does the code used make a difference if you use a normal text field or a rich text field?
I ask as on the other forum post, they say that they have got the field setup as a rich text field, although when they test the page in the preview, the text box shows the first 50 characters as they want with the ellipsis at the end, however it shows it with the rich text settings on it as well.
So does the code only read the full text from the field regardless of it being a text or a rich text field, or is it a simple case that they need to have synced and published the site for the rich text settings to hold.
Looking at this post too, it seems that they are asking a similar question as this user too has setup rich text and yet the preview/published site only shows the text as if they needed to edit it through the Editor itself and not through rich text.
So if we setup a rich text field in a dataset for this like here.
Does the rich text settings hold when we use the tutorial and we have synced and published,
or should we be using a text field only and editing the text itself through the Editor?
I just use static text from a text box within the Wix editor (no database) - just as the STATIC method shown in the Wix article I linked to in my first post
I just use static text from a text box within the Wix editor (no database) - just as the STATIC method shown in the Wix article I linked to in my first post.