Hey, I’m getting an error
“Modifiers cannot appear here.
Parsing error: ‘import’ and ‘export’ may only appear at the top level”
Here’s the screenshot of the jsw file
If I try to move export outside, I can’t get the constant ‘tonumber’. What to do? Please help.
Here’s the code in the text format.
import wixData from ‘wix-data’ ;
import twilio from ‘twilio’
wixData . query ( ‘subscribers10’ )
. descending ( “_createdDate” )
. find (). then ( results => {
const tonumber = results . items [ 0 ]. lastName ;
const accountSID = ‘xxxxxxxxxxx’
const authToken = ‘xxxxxxxxxxx’
const twilioNumber = ‘xxxxxxxxxxx’
**export async function** sendSms ()
let client = new twilio ( accountSID , authToken )
let message = await client . messages . create ({
body : ‘Hey! Test Message’ ,
to : ‘whatsapp:+91’ + tonumber ,
from : twilioNumber
Thanks in advance