Feature Request Post Reminder

Workflow Logic
The ability to easily control the workflow based on conditions and triggers without having to use code.

Example from Webflow

Add Wix feature to Editor X - Autocomplete and Multi-line adress fields
This is one of the Wix features that is surprisingly not available for Editor X

More control over the design of our blog and blog posts

Ability to select which Elements to show/hide in the Summary of the Booking Form.

Current: The summary shows the below elements.

Future: Ability to select which elements to show/hide in the summary

Use case: Customer does not want to show the teacher and number of sessions that are part of the course on this screen.

Lightbox improvements and transitions

At least for me I sometimes have to click a button twice for the lightbox to show up and it takes some seconds to show up. It should be faster and it would be great to be able to change the transition to something other than fading in. I would like to add a slide up.

Program/Course Widgets for editor x

The ability to add and customize program/course widgets to pages. For my use case, I’m creating a dashboard and I would like to add a widget in the dashboard for a “course” which the user has to complete. The widget should be able to display their progress in the “course”. When clicked the actual should open in either, the current window, a seprate window or in a lightbox.

Purchasing Gift Cards WITH products within wix stores. Right now it has to be 2 transactions.
#featurerequest #wixstores #eCards

Charging Individual Tax per province - Pricing Plans


Fitness Client >I 've set up her pricing plans and HST is different in each province in Canada, there is the option to set tax but only 1 tax.

This is super problematic and given we can set taxes like my #featurerequest in Wix Stores, it should be possible with pricing plans. I had a mega automation workflow that all tied in together EXCEPT THIS ONE CRUCIAL PART.

#pricingplans #taxsetup

Spam function:

Hello, Would it be possible please to ensure that when a request for a form is categorized as “spam” that this form can be removed from anywhere. There is a bug in the “workflow” part because the form remains in the process and is not automatically archived. So I would like:

  • a spam card can be removed from all Wix internal processes
  • have a page or find all the files assimilated in spam (in case there was a miss)

Thank you


Automatic Commission Based Billing for E-Commerce Clients

I have an e-commerce client that opted for a commission based payment structure for managing his store, marketing, etc. and I’ve been sending invoices each month which is a bit of a pain point. It would be really awesome if there were a way to setup automatic commission payments with Wix payments (which we’re both using)

Some clients prefer commission structure rather than a set one-time or recurring cost, and an automated system for settling these commissions would be great, and make it easier to close leads on prospective e-commerce clients. It would also simplify the tax situation, if my percentage of their payout goes directly to me and is lumped into the Wix Payment 1099.

If any other partner has an alternative solution, that would be awesome. I would love to see this feature and it would definitely help close more leads.

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Hi everyone! It’s going to take some time, but we’re going to start moving some of your requests to JIRA. Just wanted to share a quick update!

The site #Search feature should include matching results from the #Amazon app. ie, if I search for “socks” and my integrated Amazon app includes socks as a listed item, it should be included in the search results.

Hi Steven - any update on where the best place to submit a request is? I’ve been putting many requests in the designated Feature Request category here in the Community Forum, however Anna the moderator suggested I should put them in the Partner Support area instead, which seems contrary to this pinned topic, which says to use Feature Request category here in the forum. I just really want to know the best place as I seem to be overflowing with feature ideas (needs) and things that could be improved.

HI again Steven - just pinging again on this?