Feature Request : View counter and pages for media gallery please

I love Wix but there are just a couple features I would love to see added and would help many people out. First would be a view counter for the items in a media gallery and also an option for pages instead of just the “Load More” button for the media gallery. I know recently you guys added the pages option but that is only for the wix store I would love to see that option for the media gallery as well as a viewer count for media. Thank you for your hard work.

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Hey. You’ve stumbled onto the Corvid forum, a forum dedicated to the discussion of Corvid code. There’s a very high chance that the people who develop the media gallery don’t read this forum and this isn’t the proper avenue to get feedback sent their way.

If you’re a Wix partner I’d suggest following this article.

Thanks I’m not a Wix partner but will try other avenues