Is it possible to add a feature where you can limit the quantity one person can order for each item?
For example, a customer can only purchase a quantity of 5 of an item.
I can’t see it anywhere on the product pages so guessing it doesn’t exist yet, or maybe I’m missing something?
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Hi Daniel!
This is currently a feature request - you can vote for it here .
Hi Sheyla,
Thanks for the response!
When voting, how do Wix go about actually looking to implement the feature? Does it need to have so many votes or does it mean it is already being looked in to being developed?
There’s a few stages when it comes to new features - this one in particular is in the stage of ‘collecting votes’ in order to determine interest and also what type of uses the feature requires. That’s why we always encourage for you to be really detailed when you share #FeatureRequests here on the forum with us - product teams check these posts regularly