FIle share uploads multiple files at once


Is it possible to upload multiple files at once to File Share ?
I have about 5000 zip compressed files that I would like to upload to File Share without having to point and upload the files individually, as this is very time-consuming.

Regards, Darius

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Hi Darius, I’ll have our Product Expert check.

Hi Steven, that’s great, thank you :slight_smile:

Regards, D.

Hi @contact42173

I understand with that many files, how important it is to be able to select multiple files at a time! This can be done by using short keys on the keyboard, are you on Windows or Mac? With windows, you can click on the first file then hold shift and select the last file, you can also click and drag to select a wide range of files or press Ctrl + A to select all files within a folder. I have provided a GIF below of these

This can be also done with Mac however I am on a PC so unfamiliar with how the shortcuts work on Mac.

Hi Randy,

I wish it was that simple.
I have several thousand files in multiple directories and subdirectories.
The directory and file structure must be kept.

@contact42173 thank you for providing that image to give me a better idea of what you are uploading. Unfortunately, there is no way to discern and create folders based off the ones within your device. You will still need to create the folder and subfolders within the fileshare however within those you can select multiple files within them. I am not sure of any service that creates folders upon uploading its not a feature I have seen around. Nonetheless, I will provide this feedback to the relevant team for further consideration! :slightly_smiling_face:

Ok Randy, thx :slight_smile:

Regards, Darius.