Hi team,
I have some code that seems to be working but not fully as expected.
The code works, but doesn’t filter between the dates, it seems to display any item that has a date either with a date greater or less than (so all items .ge) as apposed to between those two search terms
Anyone able to help?
export function searchButton_click(event ) {
filter($w("#courseStartDate").value, $w('#endDate').value);
function filter( startDate, endDate) {
let newFilter = wixData.filter();
if (startDate) newFilter = newFilter.ge('dateOne', startDate).or(newFilter.ge('dateTwo', startDate).or(newFilter.ge('dateThree', startDate))));
if (endDate) newFilter = newFilter.le('dateOne', endDate).or(newFilter.le('dateTwo', endDate).or(newFilter.le('dateThree', endDate))));
$w('#coursesDataset').setFilter(newFilter).then(() => {
let textVariable = $w('#coursesDataset').getTotalCount();
lastFilterSearchBox = searchBox;
Thank you
Hi Stephen,
Date range filters can be pretty tricky, especially one like what you have - taking into consideration three different dates. You have to account for any possible dateTime value for a given date. To do that, the startDate and endDate needs to be modified.
export function filter(startDate,endDate){
let yearValue = startDate.getFullYear();
let monthValue = startDate.getMonth();
let dayValue = startDate.getDate();
let date1 = new Date(yearValue,monthValue,dayValue,0,0,0);
yearValue = endDate.getFullYear();
monthValue = endDate.getMonth();
dayValue = endDate.getDate();
let date2=new Date(yearValue,monthValue,dayValue,23,59,59);
.then(() => {
@tony-brunsman this works well, thank you. I had been playing with similar code yesterday but not using .between and this made sense once I started to play with and modify for my use.
Thanks again and have a great day!