Filter table in dynamic page

I have added a table to my dynamic page. I want that table to be filtered using the information from a text box (which is fed data from the dynamic collection).

My code is as per below:

import wixData from ‘wix-data’;

$w.onReady( function () {
//Get records with text link to title.
.eq(‘test_clientvisits_charterer’, $w(‘#CName’).text )

The table is empty though, what am I doing wrong?

If I replace “$w(‘#CName’).text” with the actual content of the textbox, the table displays the correct data.

If you’re really using a textbox, then it should be $w(’ #CName ').value

Hi Yisrael, thanks for your comment.

I tried inserting .value but it displays an error and does not let me. I managed to fix it using the below code:

import wixData from ‘wix-data’;

$w.onReady( function () {
const tagName = $w(“#dynamicDataset”).getCurrentItem().test_charterer_name;


Ah - good for you! Don’t know why I didn’t think about the dataset.onReady() . That’s certainly the main part of the problem. If the dataset isn’t ready, then the text field hasn’t been set yet either.

In any case, glad you figured that out.


I agree, I think the problem was that the dataset was not ready! Thanks for your quick response though, really appreciate the work you guys are doing.