I have Dynamic Item pages where I would like to display Store Products from a specific collection only in a Repeater. This works fine. But I am unable to link those products to the Store Product Page url. The Products/Collection database just display’s the fields “Name” & “Main Media.” There is no visible reference field connecting those Store Collection Names or Media to their corresponding Product Page Url.
The crux of the problem is in the productPageUrl API. We do not have permission to use Wix Store Product Page Urls in Dynamic Pages. We can display Wix Store Products on a Dynamic page… We can filter the dataset to show only specific products by collection (I did this by utilizing reference fields)… but we cannot link the image or button to that product’s store page url. The only link option seems to be to “Main Media,” which I can’t currently think of a use for.
ProductPageUrl (productPageUrl) API >>
Description : Displays the URL for the product’s page on your site.
Type : URL
Can connect to data : Yes
Can use in dynamic page URL : No
Can be sorted : No
Can be filtered : No
Read-only : Yes
Is this something that is on the horizon for being released to Corvid Developers? If not, #FeatureRequest #productPageURL api #DynamicPage #url #collections #filter #wixstore
And/Or is this the problem? Collections only have some filtering capabilities…
Collections (collections) >>
Description : The collections the product belongs to.
Type : Reference (Multiple Items)
Can connect to data : No
Can use in dynamic page URL : No
Can be sorted : No
Can be filtered : hasSome
Read-only : Yes
Or does anyone have any workarounds?
I WAS able to filter the repeater using the Stores/Products dataset, then adding a filter for Stores/Collections. It almost works. It displays an item from the correct collection AND I have the option to link to the Product Page for that item. BUT it only displays ONE product from the correct collection, where are the other 2 products?
Displays the first product from my Bulk products collection:
But as you can see, this collection currently holds 3 “bulk cable” products: