Filtering a boolean field on a dataset to populate gallery

I have a gallery that reads images from a dataset. The underlying collection has images, title, and a bunch of boolean fields that are used to filter the dataset. The dataset is unfiltered by default and the gallery displays the images as it should. My page displays a radio group that applies filters to the gallery by requiring the boolean value to be true. When I set a filter the gallery no longer displays anything - it’s as if nothing passes the filter. My code is

export function radioGroup1_change(event) {

function setFilter(value) {
 let dbVal = dbFilters[validFilters.indexOf(value)]; // Converts UI value to DB field name
  console.log("Setting filter to " + dbVal);
  $w("#dataset1").setFilter(wixData.filter().eq(value, true));

Sample console output is:

 Setting filter to isPT

and yes, isPT is one of the boolean fields in my collection. So what’s going wrong?

Sarabura, shouldn’t the Wix setFilter function be using dbVal, because it’s the actual field name, instead of value, the value of the radioGroup? Like so:

$w("#dataset1").setFilter(wixData.filter().eq(dbVal, true));

Thanks! Yes that was it. Always good to get another pair of eyes on the code…