Filtering a User Input Dropdown-Boolean

I have a website for our area with a list of services for a particular demographic. The dataset has the resources listed by town. On the website there is one page for town A and one page for town B with a repeater. When the user performs a “search by service” using a dropdown boolean, the results in the repeater show both items from both towns. I can’t seem to code correctly to have the .setFilter be for town A only. Any help is appreciated.

import wixData from ‘wix-data’;

$w(“#listingdataset1”).setFilter( wixData.filter()
.contains(“town”, “Maple”)
export function ServiceDropdown_change_1(event) {

let filterService =$w(‘#ServiceDropdown’).value;

$w(‘#listingdataset1’).onReady( () => {

if (filterService === “Education”) {
$w(‘#listingdataset1’).setFilter(wixData.filter().eq(“education”, true ))
if (filterService === “Health”) {
$w(‘#listingdataset1’).setFilter(wixData.filter().eq(“health”, true ))

It seems you’re missing a variable in the setFilter, is it expected two arguments but you only provided one .eq which is’t set up as a boolean correctly.