Filtering shown search results from database by boleean field


I have a search bar connected to database. It searches database by title or content. Here is the code:

export function pretragabutton_click ( event ) {
let searchtip = $w ( “#pretragaunos” ). value ;
$w ( “#dynamicDataset” ). setFilter ( wixData . filter (). contains ( “longDescription” , searchtip )
. or ( wixData . filter (). contains ( “title” , searchtip ))

In the database I have boleean field for managing what content is shown, and what isn´t, but when using search results shows all content including the content that is not active. How can I update my code so it shows only active content regarding boleean filed.

Thank you in advance!

exportfunction pretragabutton_click(event){
   let searchtip=$w("#pretragaunos").value;
   .eq("booleanFieldIDhere", true) //or false as VALUE

Thank you for your quick response!