Font size too small on mobile

Font sizes are automatically reduced on mobile to ridiculously tiny sizes. Standard paragraph text of 18px is reduced to 5px! I can’t read it on my phone. Is there a way to prevent Wix Studio from automatically reducing font sizes?

That whole new scaling text thing is really annoying… perhaps the best advice is to set a min-max size range you are happy with (or just set 1 definitive size for each screen size) on one piece of text and ALWAYS copy/paste that text element so you don’t have to do it over and over again across your site and you could do this for other elements such as images or whatever, just keep recycling the same one and change the details after. That might help save you some time, but it is extremely irritating for sure!

I don’t know who any of these scaling options were aimed at in Wix Studio but most people new and old to Wix so far seem to be finding it a real hinderance and something to work around rather than a quick way of controlling the look of your site across different devices :man_shrugging:

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Thanks so much! The min-max is a great suggestion, but I can’t find that setting when I select a block of text. I found the global fonts setting. I am new to Wix Studio (and Wix in general). I’m a WordPress designer, but when Wix Studio came out, I decided to give Wix another try.

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Select the text element and open the Inspector Panel with the arrow on the right hand side of the editor, You can also click Design Text above the text element you select and it should also open the panel for you, here is how I set mine turning off the scaling completely:

Just set the font size and then do the same for the other breakpoints for Tablet and Mobile and any custom ones you might want to add and that should be it. Then I’d copy and paste that same text element across the site and just change the actual text or colour etc as needed each time, that’s the best way I can think to deal with it without doing all that every time you want to create a new piece of text.

I’d probably create a whole empty page hidden from public view and create a load of default text elements like a header, paragraph, any special cases you might need and keep them all on that page, then when you need them on a real page you can just copy/paste them across from that hidden “design page”. Also you can do the same for buttons or images or even whole sections of your site to reuse later.

You can also save any of these things as Assets by Right Clicking and choosing the option from there, then you can find your saved bits and pieces in the left hand menu by clicking the + Add Elements and you’ll see your Assets option with your created library there.

I never really do this since copy and pasting works well enough especially for little things like text and single elements, but it’s probably a good practice to get into!

Hmm, that “Scale text” button just above the Font size box isn’t in my Inspector Panel. Do you have any other Wix add-ons installed?

Ah, no it’s nothing like that, I was wondering what could possibly be different on mine but I just realised I always change the new default sizing settings back to the (much better imo) way it was on EditorX on every element I add to the site. It’s funny they call it “Advanced” when that is pretty much how it was before for years like it’s somehow now a hidden secret and they set these really weird settings that make your font size 5 for no reason as default instead… lol, but whatever! At least we can fix it! :smiley:

If you want to try this click the area I’ve circled in the screenshot and turn on the “Advanced Sizing”. Now you’ll see that scaling setting and many other more useful (again imo) tools for controlling everything on your site, not only text!

Bare in mind you’d have to do this for each thing you add to the site too, so that’s sucky and you’ll probably have to go through similar stuff like this with most options in the Inspector Panel so it seems! Hopefully they can streamline or make it easier and less of a puzzle in future, it really seems like you have to fight the Editor to get workable settings…

(For transparency I am only playing around in Studio so far to keep up to date, I like a lot of stuff with it but overall it seems like a really steep uphill battle to get a design to how I can usually get it within an hour or 2 on Editor X and even then there’ll be issues to fix later, so I am still making everything on X instead and plan on migrating when I have no other choice basically, or if it suddenly gets lots of these irritating things ironed out. But there is a lot to love about the improvements they’ve made with Studio to be fair aside from these design issues… which… yeah, that should be quite a high priority for website DESIGN I’d say!!)

I’ve only built two demo sites with regular Wix so I’m not really used to that platform anyway. And Wix says Editor X will be phased out soon, so I don’t want to spend more time working with it. Wix Studio does seem more similar to me to WordPress web layout plugins, but it has some weird restrictions for a platform that’s supposed to be for designers. For now, I’ve opted to not scale any fonts automatically and manually adjust larger headings for mobile.

Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. And by the way, I love your username!

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