Four-level nested subpages on the menu or customized menu

Does Wix Studio allow creating four-level nested subpages on the menu or navigation bar.

[Wix Studio Editor.]

What are you trying to achieve:
[I want to create " Services" page added on the menu but it includes 3 different subpages, and one of these subpages has also one more subitems, and I tried to drag and drop under the relevant page, but the system does not allow to do me. ]

What have you already tried:
[Share resources, forum topics, articles, or tutorials you’ve already used to try and answer your question. I read this article and watched relevant tutorial video about customizing Menu/ Wix Editor: Managing Advanced Menus | Help Center |]

You can consider using a mega menu to organize your Specific section. A mega menu allows you to display multiple levels of navigation in a more user-friendly way, making it easier for visitors to access various subpages. You can implement this by customizing your menu settings and linking the relevant pages accordingly.

You may need to think about building a custom menu for this situation

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You can create your custom one using the knowledge of margin, padding and positioning about CSS.

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@Dan_Suhr and @Aquarius_Mike are right.

I’m interested to understand the menu structure a little further and the use case.

I know you can do:

  • Home
  • Services
    • Subpage
      • Sub-sub-page
      • Sub-sub-page
      • Sub-sub-page
    • Subpage
      • Sub-sub-page
      • Sub-sub-page
    • Subpage
  • Contact

Curious about the 4th level - it’s not usually a common practice

We got an outsource help to build only the services’ subpages. So I do not know how to do it. But now it looks like as on the attached image here:

I highlighted each layers with a different colors.

You can add accordions for expandable sub navigation links