Full Width HTML Code / Responsive Code


I have a third party widget that I have installed on my page, it renders a widget via javascript and the widget usually is fully responsive however Wix loads it in an iframe which is barbaric in the 2019!

As such the responsiveness is destroyed… how am I able to get around this or am I going to have to leave Wix?

In WordPress for example, I would simply add a container, set it to full width and paste the code and it’s done, works perfectly and is fully responsive.

~ Ryan

Look at this from last year.

Plus, you can already pass data from the html iframe to the page and from the page to the html iframe.

Hi @givemeawhisky

I’m needing Full Width, not Full Screen. They’re very much different and none of these are relevant to what I am needing.

Do we have a solution for full-width custom element yet ?

Have you already found an solution?

Hey folks,
I was so happy when I read the headline of this discussion but it looks like integrating full width HTML widgets doesn’t work yet, right?

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