Function query return multiple value

HI All, hopefully someone be able to shed some light for me.
have a function query(as below)

async function getBalance ( myDatabase , usernameField , user ) {
return await wixData . query ( myDatabase )
. eq ( usernameField , user )
. find ()
. then (( results ) => {
let items = results . items ;
let item = items [ 0 ];
let cb = item.currentBalance,
let oh = item.onHoldNew
return (cb, oh);

then the display is

$w . onReady ( async function () {
getBalance ( myDatabase , usernameField , userName )
. then (( balance, onhold) => {
$w ( ‘#currentBalance’ ). text = String ( balance );
$w ( ‘#onhold’ ). text = String ( onhold );

i know the script is wrong. but can someone show me how it should be scripted?

You are incorrectly using both await and .then() together which causes unpredictable results. Delete await from the call to wixData.query().

noted @yisrael-wix … but what is correct method to return these two values

let cb = item.currentBalance,
let oh = item.onHoldNew
return (cb, oh);

and displaying ?im getting [object Object] and undefined error

You should return the values either in an array, or an object. An array for example:

return [cb, oh];
