I need to generate a PDF in my site with data from one of the databases, and yhis PDF should be downloaded by the user. Where can I find a tutorial or instructions for develop it? I’m very new in Wix, so need step by step help!
Thank you,
Hi Arturo,
PDFKit is installable via the npm module manager.
See here
Thank you Ido. I’ll try it
How to PDFKit works?
I need to generate a PDF in my site with data from one of the databases, and this PDF should be downloaded by the user. Please somebody help me.
Sachin, I couldn’t generate the PDF with the PDFKit suggested by Ido. But I’m very new in Wix Code. If you can do it, please let me know!
I found an alternative in https://pdfmyurl.com/ but it was very expensive for me.