I have issue to get data from collection. Into collection called FullData ( Wix member collection), there is a field called: custom_profil.
With Velo, I would like to get this field using API wixData. The value of this field is always empty using velo debbing but a value is available into collection. Here all items display in debugging mode.
Here collection with value available:
Here is the code:
export function profileButton_click ( event ) {
console . log ( “button clicked” );
//Add Profil File
let userProfil ;
const userID = wixUsers . currentUser . id
console . log ( “run …” );
wixData . get ( “Members” , userID )
. then (( item ) =>{
console . log ( “find ID …” );
console . log ( item . _id );
console . log ( item );
userProfil = item . custom_profil ;
console . log ( userProfil );
. catch ( ( err ) => {
console . log ( err );
} );
wixLocation . to ( /members/ ${ wixUsers . currentUser . id }
console . log ( “button clicked” );
Can you help me to solve this issue?
For your information, custom_profil field comes from a Custom Field available into custom registration form. I get custom information during registration process. May be there is a better way to get this information during registration.