Get a live price calculation trough user input

Hi there!

As a photographer, I’d like to offer configurable photoshoots on my website. The idea is quite simple, basically like ordering pizza’s online; clients would be able to choose from all-in-one packages, which if wanted, could be selected together with additional options.

Depending on the selection, on the same page I’d like to show a live price calculation based on the selected options.

It should look something like this:

I’m an absolute rookie in coding, but very keen on solving this problem I have with getting the total price calculation to live appear on the page, according to the user selection. I don’t know how to get it to work trough wix user inputs+database. Literally any suggestions will be very helpful!

Ultimately, I would like the user selection to be put trough to the next page, where the client would be able to fill in some personal data and submit the booking, of which I somehow would like to get notified about.

I have tried Wix Bookings, Wix Store and even Wix Restaurant Bookings (which got the closest to my wishes, but you can’t get rid of the restaurant menu vibe), but they all don’t allow for configurable bookings. So I reckoned there should be another way to convert user input to an (email) booking? I could be horribly wrong tho…

Thanks in advance,


Anyone? :slight_smile:

Yisrael has already done a simple tutorial for something similar that you can look at in your own Wix Editor and use it as a starting point to get you heading in the right direction.

You can also use Wix Pay API to collect the payments etc.

Youtube video here from Wix about ‘Corvid by Wix | How to Create a Payment Flow with the Wix Pay API’

This above Wix video is using the same tutorial as the collect payments for a single product tutorial already linked above.