Get EROFS: read-only file system, open '‏c:accountingacc.csv)'NPM CSWRITER

I’m getting the above error. Please note, I shared drive c:\ with max permissions. Can someone help? I used the following code in backend FS file.

export function excsv() {
// Add your code for this event here:
console.log( “exportcsv.js” )

const createCsvWriter = require (‘csv-writer’).createArrayCsvWriter

const csvWriter = createCsvWriter({
header: [ ‘NAME’ , ‘LANGUAGE’ ],
//path: ‘c:\accounting\accounting.csv’
path: ‘‏c:\accounting\acc.csv)’
const records = [
[ ‘Bob’ , ‘French, English’ ],
[ ‘Mary’ , ‘English’ ]
csvWriter.writeRecords(records) // returns a promise
.then(() => {
console.log( ‘…Done’ );

I do not think you can access local drives from your wix site by defining the path like this

It’s strange, because when I use a non existing directory in the local drive “c:” the error detects that there is no such directory. When I use an existing directory I get the read-only error.
I s there a way to mention the URL of the local drive “c:”, or a way to save the file in Google drive or DropBox or another cloud storage?

@shimonsuissa1954 any luck with this

Sorry for the late reply. No, I didn’t success with a local drive. I found a solution by using Dropbox npm. With this npm I was able to write a file and save it in dropbox. If you need help with dropbox I can send you my code and related instructions.