getProduct - error on live site - Solved

Problem solved by Wix (I have no idea how)
The website has been running for a long time and everything was working just great.

Today we get an error on the console of the live site that “TypeError: $w(…).getProduct is not a function”

This only appears on the live site with no errors on the editor.

I have seen that this was an issue with few sites in the past.

This is the page:

@odeda any idea?

I opened the page above, I don’t see the error

Thanks @odeda for your prompt replay
But is still happened to me
Did it redirect you to another page?

@odeda problem seems to be solved for some users

From what I’ve seen so far, this looks like some race condition.
It sometimes work for me, sometimes doesn’t

So what do we do? how to solve it?

investigating. will update

Issue resolved

@zeevg Looks like it, Thanks