Hello All
I’ve been working on a variation of the “Gift Quiz” (https://www.wix.com/code/home/example/Gift-Quiz) store example to use as an advanced category search for an art store.
Ultimately what I’ve done is reduced the number of “Questions” or slides, to one category selection which then loads the relevant products based on this one choice. The other change I made was to increase the number of choices and records; the example gift quiz having 11 answers/keywords and 10 records whilst mine has 99 answers/keywords and 328 records.
When I came to test I discovered that only some of my answers were returning accurate data and the rest just returned all the products from my full store database not the filtered results. After some experimenting re-adding records I’ve discovered that the example only seems to work for the most recent 13 answers/keywords that I add to the database collection, add in a 14th and the 1st one falls off the end and stops working.
I’m not very experienced in wix code or coding in general, hence the attempt to adapt this example for my use. Is this simply a limitation I cannot overcome or is there a way to get this working with all my answers and records.
My test space is at art-hub.co.uk/shoptest and you’ll see for example that if you click “Rhian Wyn Harrison” the results are as expected, but if you click “Alan Gregory” at the start you get the entire catalogue of works returned.
Any assistance gratefully received.