I want to host my github page here at Wix. Is that possible?
I want to host my github page here at Wix. Is that possible?
What is the use case?
I’m looking for a way to keep an updated version of my portfolio all the time. To do this, I have a really simple html page with an accompanying css file that I update manually and then upload to my github repo. My github page then, uses that repo as its root directory and loads my index.html at [username].github.io as the home page.
The thing is, I want a way to track visitors via the ‘Wix Owner’ mobile app, thus, having a way to ‘register’ the visit/track the visitor while the land at Wix’s servers and not over at Githubs ones.
I hope I was clear enough.
EDIT: or could I just copy both html and css files inside wix editor and find a way from there? didn’t have the time to test it yet…
No, wix is not for hosting external files, you can try to use other hosting OR recreate it on wix website builder without code.
What if I redirect the traffic from wix page to external? Will it count as a wix visit? Will analytics record it?
I don’t think it will work, as the redirect time is very short, wix may not capture the visit
Could you put some code in the onReady() function, that captures the visit details and stuff, put into a Wix database. Then take that database and regularly dump it to Github. I’m thinking this would allow you to capture visits, but have Wix do the capturing, and then deal with the data post capture. I’m thinking this should avoid the time constraints your running into with the redirects.