February 21, 2022, 2:36pm
I try to get some data from google maps to determine the country and county from an address.
I do this with a request to the google geocode API by sending an URL that contains the address.
I expect a JSON object.
This is the backend code that is saved in a file called gapi.jsw:
import { fetch } from ‘wix-fetch’ ;
import { getSecret } from ‘wix-secrets-backend’ ;
export async function county ( val ) {
const key = await getSecret ( “googleApiKey” );
const input = val . plz + “%20” + val . ort ;
const url = ‘ ’ + input + ‘&types=(cities)&key=’ + key ;
console . log ( "url: " + url );
//This URL in the browser returns a perfect JSON object with “status:ok”
**return** fetch ( url , { method : 'get' }). then ( ( httpResponse ) => {
console . log ( "MY httpResponse status: " + httpResponse . status );
//THROWS 400
console . log ( "httpResponse.json(): " + httpResponse . json ());
//THROWS (object Promise)
if ( httpResponse . ok ) {
console . log ( “OK” );
return httpResponse . json ();
As mentioned: When I enter the transmitted URL into the browser I get a perfect JSON object.
So I assume my problem has to do with the fetch function.
Anybody an idea what is going wrong?
February 21, 2022, 5:44pm
If you hardcode the url in your fetch function, does it return as expected?
February 21, 2022, 10:46pm
Ok, I figured it out: fetch does not like Umlaute (ö,ä,ü). If I enter “Zürich” as a place it returns an error, if I enter “Zurich” then it works.
For german speakers: “Zuerich” also works…
Thats quite bad… of course I can edit the string to replace the Umlauts.
let myStringWithoutUmlauts = encodeURI ( myStringWithUmlauts );
February 22, 2022, 1:49pm
Ah yes! I didn’t think of that, it does make sense it would need the encoding. I’m glad you figured it out.
can you please share your front end code, how you handled returned promise
December 6, 2022, 10:26am
Here is how I call the function conuty:
setTimeout (() => {
let val = newUo ;
let myCounty ;
let myCountry ;
county ( val ). then ( function ( resp ) {
let myBreakerCounty = false ;
let myBreakerCountry = false ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < resp . results [ 0 ]. address_components . length ; i ++) {
for ( let index = 0 ; index < resp . results [ 0 ]. address_components [ i ]. types . length ; index ++) {
if ( resp . results [ 0 ]. address_components [ i ]. types [ index ] === “administrative_area_level_1” ) {
myCounty = resp . results [ 0 ]. address_components [ i ]. short_name ;
myBreakerCounty = true ;
if ( resp . results [ 0 ]. address_components [ i ]. types [ index ] === “country” ) {
myCountry = resp . results [ 0 ]. address_components [ i ]. short_name ;
myBreakerCountry = true ;
if ( myBreakerCounty === true && myBreakerCountry === true ) {
break ;
**if** ( myBreakerCounty === **true** && myBreakerCountry === **true** ) {
**break** ;
newUo . county = myCounty ;
newUo . country = myCountry ;
**let** address = resp . results [ 0 ]. formatted_address ;
itemData = newUo ;
wixData . save ( "unterrichtsort" , itemData )
//etc. ...........
}, 10 );