Google Maps Location "Bug"

Hi guys,

I have a problem with Google Maps.

I generate for all my product a dynamic site. In this sites i got the latitute and longitude
from this product and I integrate here google maps. There i wrote the code

 $w.onReady(function () 
   //TODO: write your page related code here...
   let item = $w("#dynamicDataset").getCurrentItem();
   let title = item.title;
   let latitude =;
   let longitude= item.addresse.location.lng;
   let addresse = item.addresse.formatted;

   $w("#googleMaps1").location = {
     "latitude": latitude,
     "longitude": longitude,

Now I see for example this :

But if I click on the link “directions”, I am getting an other target and not the “Heidemannstraße 1, 80939 München”. Why?

Can you please help me?

Have you seen Wix Corvid example about using markers on Google Maps as it might be able to point you in the right direction.

Thx. That’s absolutely helpful