Hi guys,
I have a problem with Google Maps.
I generate for all my product a dynamic site. In this sites i got the latitute and longitude
from this product and I integrate here google maps. There i wrote the code
$w.onReady(function ()
//TODO: write your page related code here...
let item = $w("#dynamicDataset").getCurrentItem();
let title = item.title;
let latitude = item.addresse.location.lat;
let longitude= item.addresse.location.lng;
let addresse = item.addresse.formatted;
$w("#googleMaps1").location = {
"latitude": latitude,
"longitude": longitude,
Now I see for example this :
But if I click on the link “directions”, I am getting an other target and not the “Heidemannstraße 1, 80939 München”. Why?
Can you please help me?