Happy Oktoberfest to all beer lovers

New limited Oktoberfest custom animation of our free EmojiBar is now live :beers: :beers:

See demo :point_right: https://www.getamphi.com/emojibar-demo

  • Grab me a beer :beers:
  • I don’t drink… but I’ll eat all the pretzels :pretzel:
  • Who cares? I’m just here for the lederhosen :sunglasses:
  • What is Oktoberfest, anyway? :thinking:
  • I’m already too tipsy to answer this. :sweat_smile:
0 voters

There are 17 total custom animations to choose from, have some fun with it!

Default: :sob: :disappointed: :neutral_face: :smiley: :heart_eyes:

Love: :heart:
Oktoberfet: :beer:
Halloween: :jack_o_lantern:
Thanksgiving: :poultry_leg:
Christmas: :christmas_tree:
Easter: :hatching_chick:
Summer: :sun_with_face:

Business Category Specific
Beauty: :kiss:
Home/Garden: :house_with_garden:
Fitness/Sport: :weight_lifting_man:
Apparel: :tshirt:
Wellbeing/Wellness: :person_getting_massage:
Travel/Holiday: :airplane:
Pets/Animals: :dog:
Photography: :camera_flash:
Art: :art: