Having alt text for images in database for dynamic page

Hello, I don’t find a way to have alt texts or image description for images uploaded into database of dynamic page. I am afreaid this will make all pages not SEO friendly.
What can be done to sort this out?
I saw som threads abut it, but none of them had an answer from the Wix team.

I’m building my first site and learning as I go, but it looks like if you put the image inside of a rich content field, you can then customize the Alt Text of that particular image. Otherwise, I believe if you adjust an Image Alt Text, that Alt Text flows to all dynamic pages. Again, first time website builder here, so I don’t know if there any downhill issues with this approach.

With the above image you can indeed see that it is possible to connect Alt Text to a field in your dataset.

If you need to create a new field, you can go to the dataset and create a new field and call it, for example, “Alt text”