Having Difficulty with sticky sections

I am trying to set up some sticky sections in Wix Studio

I want them to scroll up to the top on the first one then each one after offset by 100 pixels. They would eventually display a heading on each section I am going round in circles.

Playing with just sections here - https://julietsidney.wixstudio.io/sticky-sections

Here trying with more content - https://julietsidney.wixstudio.io/astro-mock

What am I doing wrong, any help would be appreciated…

I have played with different offsets both pixels and the other options

Thanks :slight_smile: Juliet

Hey @juliet!

I guess you’re looking for a layout that will ultimately end up looking similar to this (the darker parts end up overlaying the top of the lighter part)

I’d say you’re pretty on track with this site: https://julietsidney.wixstudio.io/sticky-sections

I think what’s happening is that the components are scaling proportionally (a responsive unit), and the sticky px options is a fixed unit measurement. I’m going to ask the team for some insight on this one