Hey guys I’m new to the site but thought this would be a good place to ask for assistance. I’m currently designing a membership website and ran into issues setting up the database to filter specific information to each signed in member. The settings are set to Members only-content, site members view content (Ready-only), Admin can update and delete. I tried to filter the data by both, owner/logged-in user and user email/logged-in, but nothing seems to work. I have three test users with separate sets of data within my collection. Members only permissions and roles have been setup. When I view the live site only one set of data shows up for all three users, so the privacy aspect is off.
I’m looking to setup the site so the Admin can post specific data for each individual user to view on their private account. Users should not be able to view another members info and account. I not the best at coding, is this possible to execute without code and using the basic database tools on Wix. Or is a velo code needed? If so please share any references or links you may have to help address this issue if possible.
Thank you