Having Major Trouble with Coding my Review and Rating box

I created a review box on my website so clients can rate and review products. Last year I copy and paste a coding Velo presented. Every thing is okay except you cannot submit the review. When I test the coding, it tells me I have an error in lines 15. I have been asking for help for a year now. May some one here can help me please! Here is a copy of my coding. In orange is line 15.


import wixWindow from ‘wix-window’ ;
import wixData from ‘wix-data’ ;

//-------------Global Variables-------------//

// Current product’s ID.
let productId ;

//-------------Lightbox Setup-------------//

$w . onReady ( function () {
// Get the data passed by the page that opened the lightbox.
productId = wixWindow.lightbox.getContext().productId;

// Set the action that occurs before the review is saved.
$w ( ‘#SubmitReviews’ ). onBeforeSave (() => {
// If no rating was set:
if ( $w ( ‘#radioRating’ ). value === ‘’ ) {
// Display an error message.
$w ( ‘#rateError’ ). show ();
// Force the save to fail.
return Promise . reject ();

// If a rating was set, set the element values into the fields of the dataset item.
// These values will be saved in the collection.
$w ( ‘#SubmitReviews’ ). setFieldValues ({
productId ,
rating : $w ( ‘#radioRating’ ). value ,
recommends : $w ( ‘#radioGroup1’ ). value

// Set the action that occurs after the review is saved.
$w ( ‘#SubmitReviews’ ). onAfterSave ( async () => {
// Update the product’s statistics using the updateStatistics() function.
await updateStatistics ( $w ( ‘#radioGroup1’ ). value );
// When the statistics have been updated, close the lightbox to return the user to the product page.
wixWindow . lightbox . close ();

// Update (or create) the product statistics.
async function updateStatistics ( isRecommended ) {
// Get the review statistics for the current product from the “review-stats” collection.
let stats = await wixData . get ( ‘review-stats’ , productId );

// If statistics data already exist for this product:
if ( stats ) {
// Add the new rating to the total rating points.
stats . rating += parseInt ( $w ( ‘#radioRating’ ). value , 10 );
// Increase the ratings count by 1.
stats . count += 1 ;
// Increase the recommendations by one if the user recommends the product.
stats . recommended += ( isRecommended === “true” ) ? 1 : 0 ;
// Update the new product statistics in the “review-stats” collection.
return wixData . update ( ‘review-stats’ , stats )
//If no statistics data exists for this product, create a new statistics item.
stats = {
// Set the statistics item’s ID to the current product’s ID.
_id : productId ,
// Set the statistics item’s rating to the rating entered by the user.
rating : parseInt ( $w ( ‘#radioRating’ ). value , 10 ),
// Set the statistics item’s ratings count to 1 because this is the first rating.
count : 1 ,
// Set the statistics item’s recommended property to 1 if the user recommends the product.
recommended : ( isRecommended === “true” ) ? 1 : 0
// Insert the new product statistics item into the “review-stats” collection.
return wixData . insert ( ‘review-stats’ , stats )

//-------------Event Handlers-------------//

// Set the action that occurs when a rating is chosen.
export function radioRating_change ( event , $w ) {
// Hide the error message.
$w ( ‘#rateError’ ). hide ();

export function radioRating_click ( event ) {
//Add your code for this event here:

export function radioGroup1_click ( event ) {
//Add your code for this event here:

What error are you getting?

See the example Ratings by User .

The error is on this line pasted below. it sends me directly between the () and .
productId = wixWindow.lightbox.getContext().productId;

@info13169 I understand - but what error are you getting? What is the error message?

@yisrael-wix I hope I am giving you what you are asking? Here is a screenshot of the error message.