I am begging someone from Wix to help me with this. I am looking for my site header to be like the wix code site…when you hover the logo changes to black and it has a white background. The only difference is, i’m looking for it to animate on to the white once i scroll a certain amount down…
Help me im not very clued up at this.
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Hi Robert,
what you can do is add an anchor component to your site somewhere down the page.
when that anchor enters into view, you can respond to that and change the way the header looks like.
you do that by using the onViewPortEnter() event handler on the anchor component, and in it code the logic that changes the way the header is displayed.
check out the onViewPortEnter() documentation in the API reference for more information.
I hope this will put you on the right path…
good luck!
id like something similar but my header is in two strips and id like to hide the top strip when i scroll down the page and leave the menu visible but yet still have it frozen at the top. using onViewportleave() how would this work? the website is www.newport-systems.com