Hello. I'd like to add PayPal to receive various amounts from customers. I copied the code from PayPal site, turned on Dev Mode and pasted..

This is what I got after pasting the code.
I am a beginner. Could someone help me?

And this is the code I copied.

  1. HTML code you pasted won’t work with Velo (Javascript)

  2. Copy and paste copy usually won’t work.

  3. Try HTML embed element: https://support.wix.com/en/article/wix-editor-using-iframes-to-display-visible-content-on-your-site

Hope you can find some success with Velo!
Btw, If you are having difficulty with the code, you might want to consider looking for help on the Wix Marketplace , an online marketplace with top Velo web developers from around the world.

Certified Code :hong_kong: