Hi all,
I’m currently attempting to connect a dropdown to a repeater for my van website. Except I am completely useless that this type of stuff. So what I did was copy a template example code and try twist it in a way that suites what I want compares to what the sample wanted. As you can imagine it did not work. I was wondering if anyone of you could help fix my mistake
import wixData from 'wix-data';
import { debounce } from 'lodash';
const collectionName = 'Vans';
const debounceTime = 500;
$w.onReady(function () {
async function initComps() {
// populate $w('#dropdown1)
const res = await wixData.query('Vans')
.then((locationData) => {
return locationData.items.map((type) => {
return {
value: type,
label: type
$w('#dropdown1').options = res;
//bind all input elements
const componentsTypeArray = ['#Dropdown1', '#Dropdown2', '#Dropdown3', '#Repeater1'];
const debounceFunction = debounce(buildFiltersAndPopulateRepeater, debounceTime);
componentsTypeArray.forEach((compType) => {
const compArray = $w(compType);
compArray.forEach((comp) => {
comp.onChange((event) => {
async function buildFiltersAndPopulateRepeater() {
let dataQuery = wixData.query('Vans');
dataQuery = dataQuery.eq('make', $w('#dropdown2').value);
if ($w('#dropdown1').value) {
dataQuery = dataQuery.eq('type', $w('#dropdown1').value);
dataQuery = dataQuery.eq('model', $w('#dropdown3').value);
if ($w('#dropdown1').value)
if ($w('#dropdown2')) {
dataQuery = dataQuery.eq('make', $w('#dropdown2').value);
$w('#repeater1').data = await dataQuery.find().then((res) => res.items);
function initRepeater() {
$w('#repeater1').onItemReady(($item, itemData) => {
$item('#pImage').src = itemData.thumbnailImage;
$item('#pName').label = itemData.vanName;
$item('#pType').text = itemData.type;
$item('#pMake').text = itemData.make;
$item('#Model').text = itemData.model;