Hi there. I am helping someone design their site and when the window is big it looks good but when you shrink it small it doesn’t seem to be responsive. It is good until a certain point and then it starts to cut off on the sides. My client sent me these attached photos (the 2nd and 3rd photo) to show how it cuts off. The first photo is a snapshot I took to show how it looks on my editor screen. The website is andycollinsent.com. Does anyone have any ideas what I can do to make it fully responsive? Or is this normal for websites to not shrink down beyond a certain point? The image itself spreads across the whole screen since he wanted that grey vignette background which was done on photoshop, but I tried to keep the part of the image that has on the grid. I am new to this and at a loss what to do so appreciate any help/advice! Thank you!
cool site