Hi there I have a drop down menu that filters https://karendyercostumes.wixsite.com/mysite/Folio
but then when you visit another page and go back again to ‘Folio’ page - (for example click on the logo Karen Dyer, then click on portfolio in the main nav) the drop down menu no longer works.
I’m a designer with very limited development knowledge and have tried many different avenues to try and get help (people per hour, upwork - without success) so please please if anyone can help I would be so grateful. I will even pay!!! My client really needs the site up and I’m getting desperate. My code inserted looks like this:
import wixData from ‘wix-data’;
$w.onReady(function () {
//TODO: write your page related code here…
$w(" #button1 “).onClick(() => {
$w(” #dataset1 “).setFilter(wixData.filter()
.eq(“category”, $w(” #dropdown1 ").value));