Help Expand/Collapse box

Hello All! Guys I’ve never coded before, so my question may be stupid. I am trying to do an expandable button with more information. I did exactly as the example bellow but is not working. Someone can help me?

This one is the example that works:

function toggleFold ( index ) {
let $fold = $w ( ‘#fold’ + index );
let $arrowDown = $w ( ‘#arrowDown’ + index );
let $arrowRight = $w ( ‘#arrowRight’ + index );
// toggle the fold at the index
if ( $fold . collapsed ) {
$fold . expand ();
$arrowDown . show ();
$arrowRight . hide ();
else {
$fold . collapse ();
$arrowDown . hide ();
$arrowRight . show ();
// collapse the other folds
[ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ]
. filter ( idx => idx !== index )
. forEach ( idx => {
$w ( ‘#fold’ + idx ). collapse ();
$w ( ‘#arrowDown’ + idx ). hide ();
$w ( ‘#arrowRight’ + idx ). show ();

export function headerBox1_onClick ( event ) {
toggleFold ( 1 );

export function headerBox2_onClick ( event ) {
toggleFold ( 2 );

export function headerBox3_onClick ( event ) {
toggleFold ( 3 );

export function headerBox4_onClick ( event ) {
toggleFold ( 4 );

And this one is mine that I am trying to replicate:

function toggleFold ( index ) {
let $fold = $w ( ‘#fold’ + index );
let $arrowDown = $w ( ‘#arrowDown’ + index );
let $arrowRight = $w ( ‘#arrowRight’ + index );

if ( $fold . copllapsed ){
$fold . expand ();
$arrowDown . show ();
$arrowRight . hide ();
else {
$fold . collapse ();
$arrowDown . hide ();
$arrowRight . hide ();

[ 1 , 2 , 3 ]
. filter ( idx => idx !== index )
. forEach ( idx => {
$w ( ‘#fold’ + idx ). collapse ();
$w ( ‘#arrowDown’ + idx ). hide ();
$w ( ‘#arrowRight’ + idx ). show ();
export function boxp1_onClick ( event ) {
toggleFold ( 1 );
export function boxp2_onClick ( event ) {
toggleFold ( 2 );
export function boxp3_onClick ( event ) {
toggleFold ( 3 );

What am I doing wrong? I already change the IDs, set to collapse/hidden the element that I should do. The code goes fine, any error, just does not work.

Please provide the link to the example, which you have seen.

Have you remembered to change the element property ID to:
fold1, fold2, etc…, arrowDown1, etc…, arrowRight1, etc… ?

+check on the property panel that the boxp’s are turned on.

  • the export functions look wrong. It should be:
    export function boxp1_click
    NOT onClick,