HELP - Highest Rated Product to work with Product ratings & Reviews


I have implemented both the Highest Rated (wix article and Product reviews and ratings (wix article code largely successfully.

The product ratings and reviews are working on product pages.

The issue is with Highest Rated element - when I query Database productRatings (as instructed in article) to get the 4 highest rated items the page just fills with all products with no ratings (I guess this is because the productRatings database is empty when I would have expected this to be filled - if i manually add some it works). I then tried to query the the ratings from the reviews database which worked somewhat (I get 3 products reviewed but this ratings are not averaged and it doesn’t show any with same rating).

Code i changed to get this far:

$w.onReady(async function () {
 // Query the "productRating" collection to find the top rated products.
 let highestRated = await wixData.query('productRating').descending('rating').limit(NUMBER_OF_PRODUCTS_TO_SHOW).find(); 
$w.onReady(async function () {
 let highestRated = await wixData.query('reviews').descending('rating').limit(NUMBER_OF_PRODUCTS_TO_SHOW).find();

With all the backend .js associated with this it’s out of my depth. So either there is something in there that needs altering so it populates or maybe i need to query it from the review-stats database and run some async code to calculate stats like done the product reviews and ratings code (example below) but i’m not sure how to make this work:

async function loadStatistics() {
 const stats = await wixData.get('review-stats', product._id);
 if (stats) {
 let avgRating = (Math.round(stats.rating * 10 / stats.count) / 10);
 let ratings = $w('#generalRatings');
        ratings.rating = avgRating;
        ratings.numRatings = stats.count;

here is my whole page code:


import wixData from 'wix-data';
import wixWindow from 'wix-window';

//-------------Global Variables-------------//

// Number of top rated products to show.

//-------------Page Setup-------------//

$w.onReady(async function () {
 // Query the "productRating" collection to find the top rated products.
 let highestRated = await wixData.query('reviews').descending('rating').limit(NUMBER_OF_PRODUCTS_TO_SHOW).find();
 // Extract the returned products from the query results.
    highestRated = highestRated.items;
 // Extract the IDs from the returned products.
 const highestRatedIDs = => item.productId);
 // Query the "Products" collection to find the full product data for the products with the extracted IDs.
 let correspondingProducts = await wixData.query('Stores/Products').hasSome('id', highestRatedIDs).find();
 // Extract the returned product data from the query results.
    correspondingProducts = correspondingProducts.items;

 // Match the highest ratings to their corresponding products.
 // For each product collection item:
 for (let i = 0; i < correspondingProducts.length; i++) {
 // For each top rated product:
 for (let j = 0; j < highestRated.length; j++) {
 // If the product IDs match:
 if (correspondingProducts[i]._id === highestRated[j].productId) {
 // Set a rating property in the product item to be the products corresponding rating. 
                correspondingProducts[i].rating = highestRated[j].rating;
 // Populate the repeater with the product and rating information.
    $w('#repeater1').data = correspondingProducts;

//-------------Repeater Setup-------------//

// Set up each item in the repeater when it is populated with data.
export function repeater1_itemReady($w, itemData, index) {
 // If the site is being viewed on a mobile site:
 if (wixWindow.formFactor === 'Mobile') {
 // Show the "Add to Cart" button because there is no hover on mobile.
 // Populate the item's elements from the item data.
    $w('#productName').text =;
    $w('#price').text = itemData.formattedPrice;
    $w('#productImg').link = `/product-page/${itemData.slug}`;
    $w('#productImg').src = itemData.mainMedia;
    $w('#ratingsDisplay1').rating = itemData.rating;
 // Set the action that occurs when a user clicks the "Add to Cart" button.
    $w('#addToCart1').onClick(() => {
 // Add the current item to the shopping cart.               
 if (isProductOptions(itemData)) {
            $w("#shoppingCartIcon1").addToCart(itemData._id, 1, { choices: { Color: 'red' } });
        } else {

//-------------Hover Functionality-------------//

// Set the action that occurs when a user mouses into the product image.
export function productImg_mouseIn(event, $w) {
 // Show the "Add to Cart" button.

// Set the action that occurs when a user mouses out of the item's container box.
export function productImg_mouseOut(event, $w) {
 // Hide the "Add to Cart" button.

//Checking if the product added has product options (color for example)
function isProductOptions(productData){
 return Object.keys(productData.productOptions).length;

I feel I am really close so any help would be appreciated.

