I would like to recreate exactly this hover interaction that appears in the video attached , I have seen the video tutorial of corvid by wix on youtube and it has not been very helpful, I would like to receive a step-by-step guide on how to do it on corvid the easiest way.
I thank you for your time and help!
Like Heath states above, use onMouse for the interactions with the illustrated pictures on the left for each button and onClick for the interaction with the property layout diagrams for each button, it is all pretty simple to do yourself.
Also, this forum is for help with regards to your code on your website. It isn’t here to completely write all your code on your website for you, that is where you have to learn how to code yourself and get stuck in yourself!
If you don’t want to construct your own website and still want somebody to do it for you, then simply go through Wix Arena to find somebody who will be willingly to do your website for a price.